Just for Today – October 17 – “The Truth”

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Just for Today – October 17 – “The Truth”

“Everything we know is subject to revision, especially what we know about the truth.”
Basic Text, page 91

Many of us entered recovery convinced that we understood “The Truth.” We clung to rigid beliefs, often distorted by our addiction, and resisted any challenge to those ideas. However, as we embraced the program of Narcotics Anonymous, we realized that our perception of truth had been deeply flawed. By surrendering to a Higher Power and working the steps, we began to uncover a deeper, evolving understanding of truth—one rooted in honesty, humility, and growth.

The Illusions of Addiction

In active addiction, our understanding of truth was clouded by denial, self-deception, and fear. We manipulated facts to justify our actions, blamed others for our circumstances, and ignored evidence that contradicted our beliefs. These distortions allowed us to avoid accountability but came at a steep cost, deepening our isolation and pain.

Our disease convinced us that we were in control, that we knew what was best, and that we didn’t need help. Yet this “truth” led us to despair. Only when we admitted our powerlessness and surrendered to recovery could we begin to see things more clearly.

Letting Go of a Rigid Truth

Recovery requires us to release our attachment to fixed, unchanging ideas about the truth. This doesn’t mean abandoning our values or principles but embracing the possibility of growth and new understanding.

The steps guide us to explore our beliefs, behaviors, and assumptions with honesty and openness. As we uncover our defects of character and make amends for past harms, we gain a clearer perspective on ourselves and the world around us.

Through this process, we learn that truth is not static but dynamic. It deepens and evolves as we grow in recovery, shaped by our experiences and the principles we practice.

The Role of a Higher Power

A key turning point in recovery is shifting our allegiance from addiction to a Higher Power. This surrender allows us to access a source of guidance, love, and truth far greater than our own limited understanding.

By seeking the will of our Higher Power through prayer, meditation, and step work, we align ourselves with a truth that is pure and unselfish. This connection helps us navigate life’s challenges with clarity and integrity, even when the answers are not immediately apparent.

The Truth in Practice

Each day in recovery offers opportunities to grow in our understanding of the truth. This process requires humility, as we acknowledge that what we “know” today may need to change tomorrow.

Ways to Embrace an Evolving Truth:

  • Practice Step Work: Regularly examine your beliefs, actions, and motives to uncover deeper insights.
  • Seek Guidance: Consult your sponsor, trusted peers, and your Higher Power for perspective and support.
  • Stay Open-Minded: Be willing to question assumptions and consider new ideas.
  • Embrace Change: Recognize that growth often requires letting go of old patterns and beliefs.

As we practice these principles, we find that the truth becomes simpler and more profound. It no longer serves as a tool for control or manipulation but as a foundation for honesty, connection, and purpose.

Growth Through Truth

The evolving nature of truth in recovery reflects our own journey of growth. As we let go of the illusions and rigid beliefs of the past, we open ourselves to new possibilities.

This openness allows us to experience life more fully, with greater compassion and understanding. We become more honest with ourselves and others, more willing to learn, and more aligned with the principles of recovery.
