Just For Today – May 23 – Amends and Sponsors

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Just For Today – May 23 – Amends and Sponsors

Navigating the Trail of Destruction

In the throes of addiction, many of us have inadvertently left behind trails of destruction, impacting not just our lives but those around us—often, those we care about the most. This path often leads to feelings of profound guilt, pushing us towards a need for redemption. The Basic Text sheds light on this experience, underscoring the importance of confronting our past actions without causing further harm in the process.

The True Purpose of the Ninth Step

The Ninth Step in recovery is about much more than relieving our guilty consciences; it’s about genuinely taking responsibility for our past wrongs. This step isn’t an exercise in self-soothing through confessions but a disciplined approach to amends that considers the broader consequences of our actions. This involves a thoughtful and sensitive approach to making amends, ensuring that we do not inadvertently harm those we’ve already hurt.

Guidance from Sponsors

A crucial element in this process is the role of sponsors. Sponsors provide guidance, support, and perspective, helping us navigate the complex emotions and decisions involved in making amends. They act as a sounding board and a moral compass, assisting us in evaluating the appropriateness of our planned amends and the potential impact on others.

Why Sponsorship Matters

  1. Objective Insight: Sponsors provide an outside perspective, helping us see things we might miss due to our emotional involvement.
  2. Experience Sharing: They share their own experiences with making amends, offering practical advice and emotional support.
  3. Accountability: Sponsors help ensure that we stay true to the principles of recovery, holding us accountable for our actions and motives.

Checking Motives Before Making Amends

Before proceeding with any amends, it’s vital to check our motives. Are we seeking to truly right a wrong, or are we looking to alleviate our own discomfort? Discussing these motives with a sponsor can help clarify the right course of action, ensuring that our amends are sincere and constructive, rather than self-serving or potentially damaging.

Ensuring Responsible Amends

To ensure that our amends are responsible and do not lead to further harm, we must approach them with care and consideration. This might mean choosing not to disclose certain details if they could cause unnecessary pain or choosing the right time and place to discuss sensitive issues.

Moving Forward

The ultimate goal of making amends is not just to free ourselves from guilt but to change fundamentally, minimizing the chance of inflicting future harm. This commitment to personal growth and improvement is central to recovery, embodying the spirit of the Ninth Step.

Today’s focus reminds us of the importance of responsibility and careful consideration before making amends, with the guidance of our sponsors being invaluable. This approach not only aids in our recovery but also fosters deeper, more genuine relationships with those around us.
