Just For Today | June 16 | Accepting Life

“Some things we must accept, others we can change. The wisdom to know the difference comes with growth in our spiritual program.”
Basic Text, page 92

Embracing Acceptance

It’s relatively easy to accept the things we like; it’s the things we don’t like that are hard to accept. Yet, trying to remake the world and everyone in it to suit our tastes solves nothing. The idea that the world was to blame for all our problems was the attitude that kept us using—and that attitude nearly killed us.

Acceptance isn’t about resigning ourselves to an unfulfilling life. Rather, it’s about recognizing what we can and cannot control. This recognition is crucial in our journey of recovery and personal growth. By acknowledging the limitations of our control, we can focus our energy on the changes that truly matter—our attitudes and actions.

Self-Reflection and Responsibility

In the course of working the steps, we begin to ask ourselves hard questions about the roles we ourselves have played in creating the unacceptable lives we’ve lived. This self-reflection can be challenging but is essential for true recovery. We often find that what needs changing isn’t the people, places, or things around us but our own attitudes and behaviors.

Key Questions for Self-Reflection:

  1. How have my actions contributed to my current situation?
  2. What attitudes have hindered my growth and happiness?
  3. How can I change my perspective to improve my life?

By answering these questions honestly, we begin to see the changes we need to make within ourselves.

Seeking Wisdom and Willingness

In recovery, we pray for the wisdom to know the difference between what can and can’t be changed. This prayer for wisdom is a cornerstone of our spiritual growth. It helps us discern the areas where we need to act and the areas where acceptance is necessary.

Once we see the truth of our situation, we pray for the willingness to change ourselves. Willingness is a crucial step because recognizing the need for change is only part of the process. Without the willingness to act, our insights remain mere thoughts without transformative power.

Steps to Cultivate Willingness:

  • Practice mindfulness: Stay present and observe your thoughts and feelings without judgment.
  • Set small goals: Start with manageable changes to build momentum.
  • Seek support: Lean on your support network for encouragement and accountability.

Gratitude and Acceptance

Gratitude plays a vital role in accepting life as it is. When we focus on what we are grateful for, we shift our attention from what is lacking or imperfect to the abundance and beauty in our lives. This shift in focus can help us accept our circumstances more peacefully and joyfully.

Ways to Practice Gratitude:

  • Daily gratitude journal: Write down three things you are grateful for each day.
  • Express thanks: Verbally express gratitude to those around you.
  • Reflect on growth: Consider how far you have come and the positive changes in your life.

Just for Today

“Just for today: Higher Power, grant me the wisdom to know the difference between what can be changed and what I must accept. Please help me gratefully accept the life I’ve been given.”

This daily meditation is a powerful reminder to seek balance between acceptance and change. By focusing on what we can control—our thoughts, attitudes, and actions—we empower ourselves to lead more fulfilling lives. Embracing acceptance doesn’t mean giving up; it means recognizing where our true power lies and using it wisely.

Actionable Steps

To incorporate the principles of acceptance into your daily life, consider the following steps:

  1. Identify areas of resistance: Notice where you struggle with acceptance and explore why.
  2. Practice letting go: Consciously release control over things you cannot change.
  3. Focus on self-improvement: Direct your efforts towards areas where you have the power to make a difference.

By taking these steps, you can cultivate a more accepting and fulfilling life, grounded in the wisdom to know the difference between what can be changed and what must be accepted.


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