Just For Today – January 14

Embracing a Loving Higher Power in Recovery

The “Just for Today” meditation for January 14th invites us to consider our understanding of a Higher Power, emphasizing that it should be loving, caring, and greater than ourselves. For many in recovery, this concept presents a significant challenge, especially for those who have previously viewed a Higher Power as judgmental or indifferent.

Overcoming Old Beliefs

The journey to accepting a loving God requires us to shed old beliefs and embrace a new perspective. The idea of surrendering to a Higher Power that we fear might harm us is understandably daunting. Overcoming these fears and misgivings is crucial, especially when approaching the Third Step, which involves turning our will and lives over to the care of a Higher Power.

Experiencing Love and Support

Our experiences in recovery can be instrumental in reshaping our understanding of a Higher Power. Relief from addiction, guidance towards a new way of life, and a newfound spiritual fullness are all gifts that point to a caring and supportive Higher Power. These positive experiences help build trust in a loving God, contrasting sharply with any previous beliefs in a harsh or unloving deity.

The more we engage with our recovery and witness the positive changes in our lives, the more we can trust in a Higher Power that is loving and benevolent. This belief becomes a cornerstone of our recovery, providing us with the strength and support we need to heal and grow.


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