Just For Today – August 28 – The Light of Exposure

“These defects grow in the dark and die in the light of exposure.”
Basic Text, page 31

The Power of Secrets

The Fifth Step of Narcotics Anonymous asks us to share our true nature with God, ourselves, and another human being. This step highlights the damaging effect of keeping secrets. By sharing our secrets, we strip them of their power and prevent them from controlling our lives.

The Purpose of Step Five

Step Five does not require us to disclose every detail of our lives to everyone. Instead, it encourages us to reveal our true selves to at least one trusted individual. Keeping secrets completely to ourselves can cause more harm than good, allowing these hidden aspects of our lives to grow and fester.

The Danger of Hidden Secrets

When we refuse to reveal our true nature, even to one person, our secret lives gain power. These secrets create a barrier between us, our Higher Power, and the values we hold dear in our recovery. They can lead to isolation, guilt, and shame, which are detrimental to our growth and healing.

The Healing Power of Sharing

Sharing our secret selves with a trusted individual, such as a sponsor or close friend, helps us dismantle the power of these secrets. Typically, the person we confide in does not reject us but instead offers acceptance and support. This experience shows us that honest sharing is not life-threatening and that our secrets lose their power once exposed to the light.

Practical Steps to Disarm Secrets

  1. Identify Your Secrets: Reflect on the aspects of your life that you have kept hidden out of fear, shame, or guilt.
  2. Choose a Trusted Person: Select someone you trust, such as your sponsor or a close friend, who can offer support and confidentiality.
  3. Prepare to Share: Take time to organize your thoughts and prepare what you want to share. Remember, it’s about revealing your true nature, not just recounting events.
  4. Have the Conversation: Find a quiet, private time to talk with your chosen person. Be honest and open about your secrets.
  5. Reflect on the Experience: After sharing, take time to reflect on how it feels. Notice any relief, acceptance, or reduced power of the secrets.

The Benefits of Honest Sharing

  • Emotional Relief: Sharing secrets can lift a heavy burden off your shoulders, leading to a sense of relief.
  • Strengthened Connections: Honest sharing fosters deeper, more authentic relationships.
  • Increased Self-Acceptance: Being accepted by others after revealing your true self can enhance your self-worth and acceptance.
  • Enhanced Recovery: Stripping secrets of their power removes barriers to recovery, allowing for more profound personal growth.

Affirmation for Today

“Just for today: I can disarm the secrets in my life by sharing them with one human being.”

This affirmation encourages us to take the courageous step of sharing our secrets. By doing so, we reclaim our power and move forward on our recovery journey with honesty and integrity.

Conclusion: Embracing the Light of Exposure

The Fifth Step of NA is a powerful tool for disarming the secrets that hinder our recovery. By sharing our true nature with a trusted individual, we strip these secrets of their power and prevent them from controlling our lives. Embrace the light of exposure and experience the freedom and growth that come with honest sharing.

Just for today, commit to disarming your secrets by sharing them with one trusted person. Experience the healing power of honesty and the light of exposure in your recovery journey.


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