Just For Today – August 10 – Regular prayer and meditation

“Most of us pray when we are hurting. We learn that if we pray regularly, we won’t be hurting as often or as intensely.” Basic Text, page 44

The Role of Prayer and Meditation in Recovery

Regular prayer and meditation are essential components of a healthy recovery. While it’s common to seek solace through prayer during times of pain, establishing a consistent practice of prayer and meditation can help prevent those moments of intense suffering from arising as frequently or as severely. These practices are more than just habits; they form a crucial part of the new way of living that recovery demands.

The Nature of Addiction

Addiction is not just a bad habit that can be broken with willpower alone. It is a consuming dependence that drains positive energy and prevents us from developing a connection with a Higher Power. This total dependence isolates us, making it difficult to seek help or find relief from the grips of addiction.

The Transformative Power of a Higher Power

From the outset of recovery, the influence of a Higher Power becomes evident. This Higher Power is the force that grants us freedom from addiction. Initially, it relieves us of the compulsion to use drugs, even when we understand the destructive consequences. Gradually, this divine influence liberates us from the deeper aspects of our disease, guiding us toward a path of healing and growth.

Steps to Freedom

  1. Initial Freedom: The first step is the cessation of drug use, breaking the cycle of compulsion.
  2. Self-Inventory: With the strength and direction from our Higher Power, we undertake a thorough self-inventory, honestly examining our lives.
  3. Admitting Truths: We find the courage to admit our past to another person, often for the first time, releasing the burden of our secrets.
  4. Seeking Release: We actively seek release from the character defects that have plagued us.
  5. Making Amends: Finally, we make amends for the wrongs we have committed, repairing relationships and restoring trust.

The Importance of Regular Practice

Maintaining Freedom

The initial contact with a Higher Power and the subsequent freedom experienced in early recovery must be maintained and nurtured. This is achieved through regular prayer and meditation. These practices keep us connected to our Higher Power, providing ongoing guidance, strength, and courage.

Benefits of Regular Prayer and Meditation

  1. Emotional Stability: Regular prayer and meditation help stabilize our emotions, reducing the intensity of pain and suffering.
  2. Inner Peace: These practices foster a sense of inner peace, helping us navigate life’s challenges with calmness and clarity.
  3. Spiritual Growth: Continuous contact with our Higher Power promotes spiritual growth, deepening our understanding and connection.
  4. Resilience: A regular spiritual practice builds resilience, enabling us to handle setbacks and difficulties more effectively.

Incorporating Prayer and Meditation into Daily Life

Just for today: I will make a commitment to include regular prayer and meditation in my new pattern of living.

Practical Steps for Daily Practice

  1. Set a Schedule: Establish a consistent time each day for prayer and meditation. This could be in the morning to set a positive tone for the day or in the evening for reflection and relaxation.
  2. Create a Sacred Space: Designate a quiet, comfortable space for your practice. This helps in creating a conducive environment for spiritual activities.
  3. Start Small: Begin with a few minutes each day and gradually increase the duration as you become more comfortable with the practice.
  4. Use Resources: Utilize prayer books, meditation apps, or guided meditations to help structure your practice.
  5. Be Patient: Spiritual practices take time to develop. Be patient with yourself and remain committed, even if progress seems slow.

Examples of Prayers and Meditations

  1. Morning Prayer: Start your day by expressing gratitude and seeking guidance for the day ahead.
  2. Meditation for Peace: Focus on your breath, allowing thoughts to pass without judgment, cultivating a sense of peace.
  3. Evening Reflection: Reflect on the day’s events, expressing gratitude for the positives and seeking insight on challenges.
  4. Gratitude Prayer: Spend a few moments each day expressing gratitude for the blessings in your life.

The Journey of Spiritual Practice

Incorporating regular prayer and meditation into our daily lives is an ongoing journey. It requires dedication and consistency but offers profound rewards. By maintaining and improving our conscious contact with our Higher Power, we can sustain the freedom and growth achieved in recovery.

Embrace the Practice

Embracing regular prayer and meditation enriches our recovery journey, providing a source of strength, peace, and resilience. These practices help us stay grounded and connected, ensuring that we continue to grow and thrive in our new way of living.


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