Just for Today: March 20 – Higher Power

Acknowledging Our Need for Help

Our journey through recovery often begins with the acknowledgment that addiction had taken a devastating toll on our lives. Today, we reflect on the concept of a Higher Power and the pivotal role it plays in our path toward healing and renewal.

The Turning Point

“Most of us had no trouble admitting that addiction had become a destructive force in our lives. Our best efforts resulted in ever greater destruction and despair. At some point, we realized we needed the help of some Power greater than ourselves.” – Basic Text, p. 24

For many of us, the acknowledgment of our powerlessness over addiction marks a crucial turning point. It’s a moment of clarity in which we recognize that our own efforts to control our use have failed, leading us to seek a solution beyond ourselves.

Finding Strength in Surrender

The concept of a Higher Power in recovery is deeply personal and varies widely among individuals. For some, it may be rooted in traditional religious beliefs, while for others, it’s a more abstract sense of spiritual energy or a collective force found within the fellowship. Regardless of how we conceive it, turning our will and lives over to the care of a Higher Power represents a profound act of surrender and trust.

The Role of a Higher Power

Embracing the idea of a Higher Power allows us to access a source of strength, guidance, and comfort that transcends our limitations. It offers a foundation for our recovery, providing direction in moments of uncertainty and solace in times of turmoil. Through this connection, we find the courage to face our fears, make amends, and embark on a journey of personal growth.

The Process of Spiritual Awakening

The relationship with our Higher Power is one that evolves over time, often marked by moments of spiritual awakening and deepened understanding. These experiences can manifest in various ways— as sudden insights, a gradual sense of peace, or an increasing awareness of our place in the world. They remind us of the transformative power of faith and the possibility of profound change.

Embracing Our Spiritual Journey

Today, let’s open our hearts to the guidance of a Higher Power in our recovery. Let’s trust in this source of strength, allowing it to guide our steps and inspire our actions. By embracing our spiritual journey, we navigate the challenges of recovery with grace and resilience, grounded in the faith that we are never alone.


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